the reason we work with leather is because it is a very beautiful, strong and long lasting material. you can use a product made out of leather and keep it for many years, instead of buying something new over and over again.


ricardo and fabienne


we try to only use what is necessary, make as much as possible by hand and without electricity, like sewing with an old singer sewing machine by hand. this also means to keep the designs simple and working with a small collection of materials and products. when buying materials, we try to invest in companies who respect the environment, the workers and the animals.


the leather we use is from a factory in germany:

„our leather is unique! we achieve this through our natural tanning with valuable and sustainable tanning agents, as well as our heavy metal free colouring with synthetic colors. we buy the skins in different abattoirs in a circuit of 500 km around the tannery. of course a natural leather can not look like a flawless piece from a 3d-printer, so our leather shows authentic features, which underlines their genuineness and is an obituary to the life of the animal.“

it has two different certificates:

biokreis : www.biokreis.de
ECARF: www.allergy-foundation.info

there are always three important things to be aware of when buying and using leather. the first is the animals and how they are treated, the second is the chemicals and how they are getting disposed, and the third is the people who do the work in the factories. most of the leather and leather products sold in europe are produced in countries outside europe, where the standards are very low in order to keep the products cheap. the animals are often treated in brutal and disrespectful ways, and often chromium is used to tan the leather. these chemicals used in the factories are poisoning the workers, the land and even the person wearing the leather product in the end. the workers often have to work in very bad conditions, being paid badly and not being provided the protection equipment needed. even when buying leather produced in european tanneries, it is impossible to track down where the skins originally came from.


the rubber is from a small spanish company, who is recycling car tires that did not pass the inspections in the production. in their atelier in the north of spain, this company splits the tires, to make them usable for the shoe industry.

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